Telegram released a new model of its encrypted messaging app today that enables for account signups using purchasable blockchain-based identities instead of actual telephone numbers. In addition, version 9.2 includes the ability to auto-delete messages on a timer for model spanking new chats, and there’s an improve to the forum-like Topics function. The spacetech startups including Skyroot Aerospace, Agnikul Cosmos, Bellatrix Aerospace and Dhruva Space have already received a save-the-date request from the federal government in New Delhi for April 22. “Your industry companion in emerging technology analysis.” It’s not much of a tagline, but then Gigaom isn’t your run-of-the-mill technology news website either. Bridging the gap between consultancy, academe and journalism, it focuses on research and analysis to convey a deep layer of perception to your display screen. Samsung regained its position as the highest smartphone seller, wresting again the lead from Apple as Chinese rivals shut the hole on both market leaders, trade tracker International Data Corporation reported Monday.
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